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View our latest updates, news, and successes in this month's district newsletter!

Thank you to Lt. Steven Acord, Lt. Chris Becker, and Cpt. Brandon Urig for sharing their experiences as EMTs and Paramedics with our MHS Biomedical Innovations class! The three Middie alumni introduced our students to the equipment on board the ambulance and discussed some of the newest emergency medicine technology that they use every day to save lives.

Fourth-grade families had a wonderful time at West Elementary's annual Fourth Grade Family Picnic on the Playground! It was a fun-filled evening with face painting by our MHS Art Honor Society students, corn hole, temporary tattoos, bubbles, popsicles, and even Marco’s Pizza!
Our fourth-grade teachers would like to extend their gratitude to Marco’s Pizza in Grafton for their generous donation of pizza. All proceeds from the Marco’s Pizza sales will go toward purchasing items for students.

Middle School Visual Creations students kicked off the year by creating unconventional oil pastel self-portraits. They were challenged to draw only by looking in a mirror, using both their dominant and non-dominant hands to create a continuous line without glancing at the paper. Each artist then selected a version that best represented their style and incorporated three symbols around their faces to represent sources of personal power.
Next, the class will transition to Adobe Illustrator, where they’ll explore how to apply their portraits in various formats, including web design, book covers, movie posters, and much more!

Midview Unified Sports took the field at Elyria Sept. 20 for their first flag football game! You can catch them next in action on October 10 at Avon!
In the fall, students also participate in soccer and cheerleading. Winter sports include basketball, corn hole, and cheerleading, followed by track and field and kickball in the spring.
Unified Sports, created by the Special Olympics, promotes inclusivity, leadership, friendship, and acceptance among young student-athletes of all abilities. This is our program’s second year!

Mrs. Triplett's 5th-grade and Mrs. Justice's 6th-grade science classes recently explored the scientific method using Fortune Fish!
Fifth graders began by making observations and following the steps of the scientific method to answer the question, "What makes the fish move?" Their excitement was evident throughout the lab.
Meanwhile, sixth graders reviewed the scientific method and learned about pseudoscience (scientific beliefs based on incorrectly applied scientific methods) before conducting their own Fortune Fish experiment. They had a great time "discovering" their fortunes and debunking hypotheses!

Mrs. Cruz’s first graders have been learning how to be bucket fillers in and out of the classroom! The class read the book, “How Full is Your Bucket (for Kids)” and talked about bucket filling versus bucket dipping with a fun sorting activity. They discussed ways to be bucket fillers, such as being kind, including classmates at recess, sharing, and making good choices!
To put their learning into action, students completed a writing and craft activity to share their own bucket-filling ideas for first grade. 🎨✏️ This beginning-of-the-year lesson is all about understanding that our interactions, whether positive or negative, have the power to either fill or empty the buckets of those around us and ourselves!

MHS students in Media Arts Primer took history into their own hands by creating Cyanotype, also known as sun prints. This early photographic technique involves placing objects on chemically treated paper and exposing it to sunlight, leaving silhouettes where the sun's rays were blocked! Although it dates back to the 19th century, cyanotype printing is making a modern comeback, appearing in everything from fashion to music videos.
Next up, students will continue with photographic history by constructing their very own camera obscura, large enough for 14 students and 1 teacher to fit inside!

Kindergarteners in Mrs. Nelson's class worked on the letter F this past week. Our youngest learners read Fifi's Ferret's Flute, collaborated on creating a word web for the letter F, and celebrated their new knowledge by creating the cutest paper plate Frogs! 🐸

5th graders in Mrs. Kauffman's class are completing the longest paper plate STEM transformation challenge: How long can you make one paper plate by cutting it in creative ways? The current record is an impressive 52.4 feet, set by Amelia Nelson last year!

"SAVE SAM!" 🪱 This second-grade science challenge in Mrs. Kiser's classroom served as the kick-off to their Scientist Academy training, which focuses on developing the essential skills needed to become a scientist. Students practiced working cooperatively through a tricky problem to reach a solution. And, of course, learning is even sweeter when it involves gummy worms!

At Midview High School, students in the micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) program are actively learning to operate microelectronic equipment and perfecting their cleanroom procedures.
In the MEMS pathway, students create tiny integrated devices that combine mechanical and electrical components. These devices, which are used in electronics, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment, are developed in a cleanroom. A cleanroom is a highly controlled environment designed to minimize pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, and aerosol particles, ensuring the highest level of cleanliness for sensitive manufacturing processes.

Yesterday, Mrs. Clarke's 4th-grade class dove into the world of vertebrates—animals with backbones or vertebral columns—during their science lesson! Students teamed up to complete a scavenger hunt, exploring fact cards about a variety of vertebrates, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. 🐋🐸🦎🦒🦜

View our latest updates, news, and successes in this month's district newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/ubk0f

THANK YOU to all the community vendors, Middie groups, and families who joined us for our Back-to-School Rally last week! We look forward to this event every year, and we hope everyone had as much fun as we did. With just a few more days until the start of the 2024-25 school year, we’re excited to kick off the new year with such a fantastic community behind us!