Over the next several weeks, Midview students in grades three through twelve will take their required state tests.

Administered annually, state achievement tests measure how students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests also help to identify areas where additional instructional support may be needed.

While state tests are just one of the many tools Midview Local Schools uses to monitor and assess our students' academic progress, it is important that all students attend on testing days and come prepared to do the best they can.

Attached here is each building's testing schedule.

Attendance and punctuality on test days are essential. If for some reason you know your student will be absent during the day of a test, notify your child's building main office as soon as possible. 

Please make sure your student has an opportunity to eat breakfast (at home or school), gets a good night’s rest, and fully charges their Chromebook each evening. 

For questions regarding state testing, please contact your child's principal or the Midview Local Schools Board of Education office at (440) 748-5353. Thank you for your continued support!