
For a second consecutive year, Midview Local Schools is proud to host and participate in the Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics Tournament! This fun annual competition, open to 4th and 5th graders as well as 6th through 8th graders, is designed to:

  • Promote enthusiasm for mathematics among students

  • Recognize students’ perseverance and talent in mathematics and problem-solving

  • Challenge students in an energizing and competitive setting

  • Celebrate the achievements of young mathematicians

This year, twenty-seven teams of four, including an additional eight teams from Elyria, competed in the 4th and 5th grade tournament on February 22. Over 35 teams of three from grades 6–8 were selected to compete on March 8. That’s over 200 Middie mathematicians! All teams were carefully chosen by their math teachers, with participation being optional.

To prepare, students participated in weekly practice sessions led by district math coaches Jessica Schneider and Monica Mason. These sessions not only helped students sharpen their problem-solving skills but also provided excellent practice and enrichment for state assessments.

We are incredibly proud of our students’ effort, dedication, and enthusiasm for mathematics. Most importantly, we love seeing so many young learners excited about taking on new mathematical challenges!