Little Middies Preschool Peer Model Registration

Servicing children with special needs (ages 3-5) alongside typically developing Peer Models (age 3-5), Little Middies Preschool follows a developmentally appropriate and multi-sensory curriculum aligned with Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards.

Families interested in their child attending Little Middies Preschool as a peer model for the 2025-2026 school year MUST FIRST complete the Preschool Interest Form. The form will open on February 10, 2025, at 7 a.m. (NOTE: Families will be notified of acceptance, denial, or waitlist status by the Little Middies Preschool Administrative Secretary in April of 2025.)

Students eligible to be a Preschool Peer Model must be at least three years of age by August 1st of the school year they are registered for AND live within the district. Tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year will be set in February.

Please follow all steps as outlined below to register a preschool peer model student in the Midview Local School District.

If you have any questions about FinalForms, registration, or the Midview Local Schools, please contact Registration at or (440) 748-5353. Bethany DiFranco, Director of the Little Middies Preschool, can also be reached for questions at or 440-748-1851.


Tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year is set at $900

A non-refundable deposit will be due upon acceptance and registration into the program. 

The remaining tuition balance can be paid in full or split into two payments or eight payments. Payments are due on the 1st of the month starting in the first month of school (September). 

Outstanding tuition fees of thirty (30) days will result in exclusion from the preschool program until payment is received. 

Tuition fees can be paid using the PaySchools Central program or in person at the Midview East office. Cash and checks are accepted with checks made payable to: Midview Board of Education.