Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

What is PBIS?

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is a behavioral framework that teaches appropriate behavior, provides intervention strategies when behavioral expectations are not met, and recognizes students when behavioral expectations are met.

The mission of the West PBIS team is to foster and promote a safe and positive school environment that enhances student learning through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.


   West Commitment Statement

What is KickBoard?

West uses KickBoard to track positive behaviors and allow students to earn Middie Money for purchasing a variety of prizes or reward experiences like being the principal's assistant for the day, Nintendo Switch with a staff member, etc. Additionally, we plan quarterly events such as Glow Parties, West Fest, and Student-Staff Challenge. Ask your students how many points they have earned and if they have made any purchases/participated in any fun PBIS events.


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District-wide PBIS Expectations

How to Help

  • Ask your child to tell you the three school rules (Be Ready, Be Responsible, Be Respectful).

  • Talk with your child about his/her day.

  • Talk with your child about what being ready, respectful and responsible looks like at home and in the community.

  • Encourage your child to follow the expectations of being ready, respectful and responsible at school and at home.

  • Discuss ways that your child might earn Middie Money at school.

  • Encourage your child to make good choices and celebrate with them when they do!

Who to Contact

Ms. Gentile, Student & Family Liaison

Ms. Haight, West Elementary School Counselor