Positive Behavior

Intervention Supports (PBIS)

PBIS Corner

Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a school-wide systemic approach used to promote and encourage positive behaviors while providing support and correction for problem behaviors.  The Midview Local School District is focused on three district-wide behavioral expectations:

We Are Respectful

We Are Responsible

We Are Ready


These expectations will look different at each school building and in every school setting, but the core components of PBIS will remain the same in grades Pre-K - 12.

  • Students will receive explicit instruction, practice, and feedback on the expected behaviors for each school setting.

  • Students will be provided incentives and reinforcement for demonstrating expected behaviors.

  • Students will receive logical consequences to correct behavior errors.

  • School teams will meet to review group and individual behavior data in order to ensure consistent implementation and to modify the supports as needed. 

PBIS supports the Student of the Month program at MMS-Check out the Spirit Hallway for the monthly SOM pictures.

FOLLOW Midview Middle School PBIS on Instagram @mmspbis

Students of the Month

Congratulations to the following students for being nominated in the month of September for being RESPONSIBLE! 

SOM -Sept 2024

MMS is excited for the school year as each month students will be nominated for a positive character trait as part of the PBIS initiative.

⬇️Suggestion BOX⬇️

Do you have a question, suggestion, fabulous idea to encourage Positive Behavior at MMS? Fill in this form. Your responses will be shared with the PBIS team for review.

Suggestion Box


Gold Award

Contact the Mr. Cousins or Mrs. Jiovanazzo for more information about the PBIS plan at MMS.  


Slider is playing
PBIS Store


Congratulations! We are READY! We are RESPONSIBLE! We are RESPECTFUL! We are MIDVIEW!!  It's time to cash in your Middle Bucks for FUN FABULOUS PRIZES!

February Cash in FORM

Form closes January 31st.

💖February Events💖

2/5-Store OPEN

2/12- Video Gaming (JAN), Hot Chocolate and GYM Time

2/19- Pizza Party & Popcorn

2/26- SOM Announcement & SLUSHY. PBIS Cash in Form Available on MMS PBIS webpage

PBIS Glass


Students earn ⚓Middie 💲💲 for Positive Behaviors!! Bucks do NOT expire during the school year.

Students access Kickboard by logging in through CLEVER, using Midview Google log-in information. Clever LOG IN


PBIS Student Leadership Team

The PBIS Leadership team is a SMALL group of students that assist with PBIS at Midview Middle School.  

  • Assist with SOM & Cash In Days

  • Assist at Curriculum Night

  • Give suggestions for Positive Incentives

  • Represent the STUDENTS of Midview Middle School

FOLLOW Midview Middle School PBIS on Instagram @mmspbis


PBIS Staff Team